As qualified herbalists, we use traditional, local wild and medicinal herbs from the meadows and forests around our Artfarm in Niklasdorf in Styria. These are collected from the wild at the right time with the greatest care and most of them are freshly processed.
The description of herbs and spices comes from ancient traditions and traditional folklore, they should be understood as supplements to conventional medicine and are not a substitute for medical opinion. Home remedies can also have side effects and are not generally suitable for everyone. Therefore speak to your doctor or pharmacist before use. Consultation with a doctor is recommended for acute complaints that last longer than a week or recur periodically
Immune booster 50 ml
Inhalt: 50 ml
Unser Kräuterelixier ist die Essenz aus folgenden, Immunsystem stärkenden Kräutern die über das ganze Kräuterjahr hinweg gesammelt werden.
Echinacea (roter Sonnenhut), koreanischer roter Ginseng, Jiaogulan (Kraut der Unsterblichkeit), Zitronenmelisse, Majoran, Zistrose, Salbei, Brennnesselsamen und Kapuzinerkresse.
Im Herbst, wenn auch alle Wurzeln ausgezogen sind, werden alle Essenzen zu diesem magischen Gebräu zusammengemischt.